Adam Melchor LyricsBy Adam MelchorWho You AreViking ShipTimes SquareThree Hours AheadThe Last Song On EarthThe ArcherStick It OutStart Forgetting DeathRock It RegardlessReal EstatePlan On YouPast HoundNo Way of KnowingMore Than AnythingMoon In The MorningMetadataMeans To A Mend (Alternate Version)Means To A MendLullaby Hotline ThemeLight YearLife On Earth?Lateral MoveLast TimeLactose IntolerantKiss Her With Your CarJoyrideJewelitsjustmyheart (voice memo)i’m not okayI’m Going Too (Interlude)I Don’t Wanna See You Cryin’ AnymoreI Choose You (Wedding Edition)I Choose YouHELP YOURSELFHappier AloneGolden ViewEveryone GoesDon’t Invest In MeChlorine WaterCarnivalCalm / ForwardBuzzer BeaterBrook RevisitedBioluminescenceBetween UsBest ProblemBegin AgainAnything@elio.irl (Adam Melchor Rework)30 Minutes www.pillowlyrics.com419786497975 88k 20