Outro – Xzibit

In 1964, I was a Private First Class in Vietnam. I worked operations out of the first [?] United Marines. The marble mountain thing, the name, [?]. Yeah, we did the firefights, we did the killing, we did the burning. I finished my first tour in Vietnam in March of 1965. I finished the second tour in March of 1966. My son was born in 1974, you all know him as Xzibit. I see a lot of myself in my son. He’s taken a lot of risks for the sake of success. He’s experienced a lot of the dangers of life. He’s cultivated the values of a father’s heart and a father’s mind. He sweats, he works about his family as I did mine. And so, his battles, his firefights, much like mine, had just begun. But as all real men do, he will persevere.
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