The Walls Group LyricsBy The Walls GroupYesWordWhat You Come To DoWe Worship YouThis Is My WishThis Is My PraiseThe RockThe PrayerStand StillSatisfiedPraise Goes To YouPerfect People InterludePerfect PeoplePaco’s InterludeOn The Other SideNew DayNever Wanna Let You GoMy WorshipMy LifeMighty You AreMercyMake Me OverLove On The RadioIntroI’m In LoveHold OnHighHe’ll Make It AlrightGreat Is Your LoveGoodGod On My MindFriend In MeFreedomDon’t Cha KnowCount On YouBig BrotherBeautifulAnything And EverythingAnd You Don’t Stop www.pillowlyrics.com419786497975 88k 20